Elliot Tucker alias E.T. assisting in a writing project. Look at those green eyes. He approves of the work!
As you may know, Elliot Tucker, alias E.T. changed my life. It happened 12 years ago around Father's Day. After lunch, my dad wanted to clear a bruah pile when auddenly, a gray ball of fluff shimmied up his leg meowing his presence. Unable to resist the little mewer, dad found three more little kittens! E.T. was unique from day one. He knew exactly what he wanted. During this time, I went through an exttemely difficult season of seizures. He seemed to know when they'd occur well before I had one. Grasping my right leg, he'd growl at it and butt his head into my shin. Perplexed, I plied him from my leg. He'd return and repeat until I understood. Had I but known he warned me a seizure was coming on. When he wasn't tracking seizures for me, he loved assisting in writing, reading the dictionary, listening to music, and sitting on the swing on the porch. Since his passing, I fondly think of how he saved my life and encouraged me through the darkest times .
Pets like E.T. are a treasure. Adopt them at the nearest animal shelter or if one happens to come into your path. You will not regret it!
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