Additional Epilepsy Resources
Created by the founder of Purple Day, Cassidy Megan, this nonprofit helps celebrate epilepsy awareness and provides plenty of awesome resources. You can become an Ambassador of Purple, too!
Also known as The Anita Kaufmann Foundation, this organization is great at supporting individuals with epilepsy (such as the founder of Purplicious) offering programs such as Heads Up For Vets. They offer Kindness Boxes and Nilly Noggins to make the diagnosis process easier.
Founded by Tiffany Kairos, this gal makes innovative epilepsy Instagram videos about epilepsy and designs with hubby Chris some incredible epilepsy awareness posters and photos. She has a glossary of epilepsy terms. It is a helpful guide for anyone new to epilepsy.
Angels of Epilepsy. Founded in Georgia, this organization was created by a mother whose daughter has Lennox-Gestaut Syndrome (a type of epilepsy).
The AJO Forever Foundation
Named after their daughter, Alyssa, who died from Sudden Unexplained Death in EPilepsy (SUDEP), the website provides support for families whose loved ones died from SUDEP.
Under the Lights
A feature film created by a man with epilepsy. His main character, Sam, wants to attend the prom like his other classmates. However, his epilepsy is triggered by lights. (He's photosensitive) Will he attend the prom? Watch the short film!
You can also support making the full-feature film.