How do you celebrate a Brainiversary?
You hit a seizure-free milestone. Congratulations! It feels good not to have a roller coaster feeling in your stomach. You probably wonder what is next. You might have second thoughts. Fears of rebound seizures might creep into your mind. But take heart: it is not uncommon. You need to celebrate the little milestones. You don't need to accomplish big tasks to make it happen.
Here are a few ideas:
* Buy or make a cake to celebrate! Visit your local bakery and have them bake you a cake. Supporting a small business not only helps them but will help spread the word about epilepsy awareness.
*Not big on cakes? Cookies will do! Make your own whether sweet...or savory 😉 Fellow epilepsy warrior and pastry queen Megan Adams-West has a superb purplicious dessert worthy of the occasion. You can find it in her book Butterflies, Faith, and Recipes.
*Visit a destination on your bucket list. Are you into museums? Do you like riding trains? What about a day at the beach? Go with friends or by yourself if you can drive. Make sure you have all the essentials: a road trip mix, snacks, a first aid kit, and of course bags to carry any souvenirs.
*Have a party! Invite your closest friends and family members. You can download the Happy Brainiversary photo on this page. Purple is the color of epilepsy awareness. You can decorate with purple streamers and have purple decor. Be sure to post epilepsy facts and info about epilepsy. Make a brain gelatin mold. You can find brain molds on Etsy or Amazon. Use any flavor of gelatin for the brain. Post photos of your journey and have a notebook for people to paste in photos, art, or write notes of encouragement. You can use my journal, The Epilogue as a starting point. It is available for purchase on my Lulu page.
* Hang out with a friend. Nothing nourishes the soul like a good friend. Contact a friend and spend the day with your friend. It doesn't need to be anything extravagant. You can make it as big or small as you want.
*Share your story with us! It would be an honor to share your anniversary story and send you a super special gift!
Do you have any other ideas to make your Brainiversary amazing? Please, share them in this section. It would be awesome to hear your suggestions.
You might wonder, what if I don't reach the Brainiversary mark? Please know your journey is not ignored! The fact that you are still here matters. We at Purplicious care about you and your well-being. 💜 You can find our section marked What if I don't get a Brainiversary? for ways to stay hopeful amid epilepsy.
Wishing you a seizure-free day💜
Are you celebrating? Get the banner here:
Looking for a Brainiversary journal? Go to my Lulu page and find The Epilogue journal.