How did Purplicious Get Its Start?
The story begins in 2003. I attended community college. Initially, I went for a degree in Education. During my distance learning class in October, I felt funny. The last thing I recalled was talking to my friends. When I awoke, I was in the ambulance with two EMTs standing over me. I thought I dreamed it-until the IV went into my arm. The next time I woke up, the doctor asked if I needed to call anyone. I called my mom. Days later, I visited the neurologist and received my diagnosis of epilepsy. Since then, I've had complex partial and psychogenic seizures. In 2015, I was at risk for Sudden Unexplained Death in EPilepsy (SUDEP). Concerned, my neurologist sent me to an epileptologist in Pittsburgh. After some testing, I started a regimen to reduce my medications. As of May 2015, I am almost ten years seizure-free!
I always loved writing and sharing stories. Purplicious started as an idea but blossomed in 2023. This page is about life with the good days, bad days, and the lost days in between. It is about joy and finding it in the middle of the "rabbit hole". It is hope and holding on through the mess. I hope to share the journey with you.
~Janelle Dill, Founder Purplicious