Terms and Conditions

*Purplicious is a website dedicated to sharing stories of life with epilepsy through art and writing. It is NOT an encyclopedia of medical terminology or run by neurological experts. All information about epilepsy comes from nonprofit resources and medical research available for others to educate themselves. Purplicious is neither a non-profit nor a charitable organization. All artwork and script are created by the founder of Purplicious unless otherwise indicated. No pieces may be duplicated without permission from the creator.

*Products are available for purchase in the store. Please follow the instructions upon purchase of downloads. Refunds are available within thirty days of purchase. 

*For products created by Puplicious outside the store: specify what item(s) you want to be designed and the creator will fulfill the order. If Purplicious cannot fulfill your order, the order will be refunded within thirty days of purchase. Obscene, graphic, copyrighted, and objectionable portrayals of epilepsy life are NOT allowed!

Contact Us form: Purplicious will try to respond to your message in an orderly fashion. Please be patient. It is run by a small amount of people. 

*Purplicious has the right to block followers who are disrespectful of others on the page, including the writers. Be kind and mind your manners online!

*Submitting Stories: Make sure to send the file as an attachment Word file or PDF file. Pictures must be either PNG or JPEG. You can use the Contact Form on the Stories page or send it to info@purplicious.net. If the story is for a loved one, ask first! Children no older than thirteen can submit stories for themselves. Guardians or parents must assist young children.  Be sure to include the name, age, and when diagnosed in the story. Pet owners must include the following information in the ET and Furry Friends Sections: Name of Pet, age, and how the pet helps with epilepsy. If the pet has epilepsy, include it, too.

*Further inquiries can be done through the Contact Us section.





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